
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Brochure 2011

 Priscilla & Tom Hsu

Campus Staff
 With China Outreach Ministries
At George Washington University
Since July, 2007

22704 Lamoreaux Landing Square
Ashburn, PA 16865

703-724-9427 (h)
703-203-1441 (c)

Why China, Why Now?

Reaching China is Crucial

*      China has 1.3 billion people
*      China and its 14 bordering nations comprise 45% of the world’s population
*      China is a growing superpower that affects the whole world

Students and Scholars from China are the Future Leaders

*      Only China’s best students come to study in North America
*      Many of these will return to key leadership positions in China, affecting China’s direction

Many Chinese Scholars are Responsive to the Gospel

*      They are the most spiritually responsive group on campuses
*      We have freedoms to reach them here in ways we can’t in China

 China Outreach Ministries

Vision: Giving Christ to China’s Future Leaders

2010 China Outreach Ministries
Staff Conference Photo

The Lord is Bringing
China’s Leaders to Our Doorsteps

COM has staff on major campuses throughout the United States, reaching thousands of China’s top scholars and future leaders for Christ.

China Outreach Ministries
555 Gettysburg Pike, Suite A-200 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Our Ministry Methods

Showing Love by
Meeting Practical Needs

*      English Classes
*      Find and Move Used Furniture

 Building Meaningful Relationships
through Social Events

*      Picnics and Parties
*      Trips to Interesting Places

Helping Them Grow
in Their Walk with Jesus

*      Chinese Outreach Speakers
*      Regular Bible Studies
*      Discipleship Retreats

Our Ministry Field

Approximately 1,000 Chinese students, visiting scholars, post-docs and families at George Washington University in Washington, DC

You Can Partner with Us

Each COM staff member needs a support team for prayer and financial support

Financial support is needed for our
   Salary & benefits
   Administrative costs
   Ministry expenses

Please consider joining our support team
     ____ $50/month
     ____ $100/month
     ____ $200/month
     ____ Other __________

Contributions can be sent directly to:  China Outreach Ministries
555 Gettysburg Pike, Suite A-200

Automatic deposit and online giving is also available. Please make your check payable to COM and indicate that it is for the Bidelspach ministry. You will receive a tax deductible receipt, a thank you letter and an envelope for a future contribution. We will also keep you updated with our personal newsletters.

GWCBS 2011

Reaching the Future Leaders of China 
with the Gospel of Jesus Christ

 "I think that reaching out to students from 
the People's Republic of China who are studying in the United States is simply the most strategically important Christian missionary endeavor 
anywhere in the world!" 

Quote by Dr. David Aikman
China expert with 23 years experience as a senior correspondent with TIME magazine 
and author of Jesus in Beijing 

Some Believers Will Return to China

Sharing their faith with family, friends and co-workers 

Leading small group Bible studies in their workplace and universities

Serving God in a TSPM or a House Church

Reach China -- Impact the World for Christ
You Can Make A Difference!

GWCBS 2011 -- Fellowship Activities

Food Helps Us Meet the Students

Sightseeing Trips Help Build Friendships.

Having Fun Together Builds Relationships.

Fun Fall Activities

COM's Labor Day Discipleship Retreat

GWCBS 2011 -- China Outreach Ministries

China Outreach Ministries
COM's Vision: Giving Christ to China’s Future Leaders

COM is Currently Serving Chinese Students & Scholars on 51 Campuses.

Campus Staff in Washington DC Universities
Priscilla and Tom

We Are Partner with Cherrydale Baptist Church and Many Churches.

We Hold Discipleship Bible  Studies

GWCBS 2011 -- Today's China

Why Focus on China? Why Now?

China has1.3 billion people—1/5 of the world’s population

China Is Becoming A Global Leader Economically & Politically

China is Geographically Strategic to Influence the Non-Christian World
China shares borders with 14 predominantly non-Christian countries 
comprising 45% of the world’s population, 
and has diplomatic relations with 171 states among 204 states in the world.

China Has a Great Spiritual Need.
 Chinese want something or someone to give them hope!
The communist government, higher education & more money do not satisfy the hunger in their souls.

The Door to China is Open Today.

Over 150,000 Chinese grad students and visiting scholars are currently studying 
in American universities, but the open door could be closed tomorrow. 

Chinese students and scholars are open to church activities.