
Saturday, August 1, 2015

2011-07-15 (v1)





六月25日我们探访汤姐妹,一起查经,因为汤姐妹在费城找到工作,再过两周七月10日就搬离华府 。查经时,汤姐妹的男友和男友的室友赵同学也多参加,我们向他们简介圣经和福音,他们询问圣经以外的福音书。两周后,赵同学也发邮件,与修昆继续讨论圣经问题。


七月16日修昆也开始在River House公寓社区的事工。当天接连探访了三位毕业了的学生,从下午五时聊到十一时,其中有两位主动提出信仰上的问题。王同学刚信主,在工作上蒙神许多祝福,使得他更敬畏神。叶同学以社会问题,质疑信仰在社会上的功能,但是由于时间太晚,修昆未能进一步解答,就必须告别。



July 15, 2011

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

Thank you for prayer. God's help is always in time and His grace is sufficient.

On June 11 we visited Sister Lu because she would join Haiti Medical Mission on July 8-16, and Priscilla planned to have discipleship with Sister Lu and Sister Li. Sister Lu has received Jesus for one year, and Sister Li this May. They will wait until Sister Lu returns. Then they will have Bible study on George Washington University campus every Saturday.

On June 25 we visited Sister Tang for Bible study because she found a job in Philadelphia, and she would move out in two weeks on July 10. Her boy friend and his roommate, Mr. Zhao joined to our Bible study. We introduce the Bible and gospel to them. They raised questions on other gospel books outside the Bible. Two weeks later Zhao continued this discussion with Tom through e-mail.

On July 9 GWCBS had monthly prayer meeting and coworker meeting. The main discussions are the curriculum of next school year, new students events, and other special events. For prayer, we will have the regular meeting on the second Saturday of each month, and Professor Duan will start the weekly prayer meeting on GWU main campus.

On July 16 Tom started the River House ministry on River House Apartments site. On that day Tom visited three students separately. They talked from 5pm to 11pm. Two of them raised the religious questions during conversation. Brother Wang is a new believer. God has blessed him a lot on behalf of job since graduation, and this made him fear God more. Mr. Ye raised the social issues and question the function of Christian belief in society. Since it is very late, Tom had to stop and leave before making further explanations.

We really appreciate your support and prayer for our ministry. Thank you!

In Christ
Tom and Priscilla

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