
Saturday, June 18, 2011

How to participate our ministry

How to participate our ministry:
1. Pray for us and our family to be used by God in this student ministry.
2. Pray for students regarding their salvation and spiritual growth.
3. Invite me to present my ministry in your church, fellowship, or small group.
4. Donate the used cookware, bed, desk, chairs, bookshelf, or brand-new for new students.
5. Provide transportation for our regular weekly gathering, or special events.
6. Visit us in a regular or special gathering to know students personally and invite them to your church.
7. Join our leadership team to minister to students and scholars.
8. Pray for our fundraising because our mission board requires workers to raise fund for their financial needs.

1. 为我们和我们的家庭祷告,使我们在学生事工上能够为神所用。
2. 为学生祷告,使他们得救、灵命成长。
3. 邀请我到你的教会、团契、小组,分享我的服事动态。
4. 捐献用过的厨具、床、书桌、椅子、书架、或全新的用具,给新来的学生。
5. 提供交通运输,接送学生参加我们平时每周的聚会、或特别活动。
6. 参观我们平时或特别的聚会,好亲自认识学生,邀请他们到你的教会。
7. 加入我们的同工团队,一同来服事学生。
8. 为我们的募款代祷,因为我们的差会要求我们为自己的财务需要募款。

“I passed by a big church on the way to school everyday, but I never entered it.”
       ~ A student from Shanghai

      ~ 一位来自上海的学生

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