
Monday, May 23, 2011

2008-10-23, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2008-10-23; ; Tom's newsletter 10-23-2008


* 最近動態

  • 近來我慕道班的人數劇增。其實是這個學期的學生來查經的人多(40多)。加上我常接送學生,在加上幾次聚餐和郊遊,我們都很熟悉,所以學生就來聽我的課。我這個學期採取聊天方式,用輕鬆的態度從生活來看聖經,學生也覺得很有趣。
  • Georgetown University 中午的中文查經原本要在今年 (2008年) 九月結束,因為一些同工搬離,或著時間無法配合。中午查經原本就很時間緊迫,但是一些慕道友已經習慣這個聚會,所以10/02我們開會決定延續下去。從約翰福音查起。
  • 10月04日 查經班 (GWCBS) 的同工和 Georgetown University, George Washington University 的學者和學生去採蘋果。我們一共約 30 人,到 Larriland Farm, Woodbine, MD,採蘋果、吃午餐、玩破冰遊戲。因此,我們彼此有更深的認識。
  • 10月16日 我到紐約市聽證,因為06/22在紐約市被警察攔下來,警察認為我沒有上安全帶。聽證時,警察沒有為此事做筆記,所以法官判我無罪。三個月來我反覆禱告,求神幫助我。感謝神保守我,顯明我無罪。
  • 10月18日 友人 Dan 和 Esther 帶著兒子 Mathew 來訪。傍晚邀請學生 James 和 Yvonne 來家中聚餐,他們是一對新婚夫妻,晚上就帶他們參加小組,那一次晚上是黃一哲牧師帶領,主題是夫妻關係。他們很喜歡,就詢問有沒有其他類似的聚會。

* 代禱事項

  • 請為 GWCBS 的同工代禱。同工們忙與平時的工作、小孩,又要準備聚會。最近有兩個同工工作加緊,一個同工懷孕,兩個同工有未信的父母來訪。
  • 請為學生禱告。他們課業繁重,願神成為他們唯一的引導,。也為今年的畢業生禱告,至今還有許多人沒有找到工作。
  • 請為James 和 Yvonne 禱告,叫他們認識耶穌,跟從耶穌。
  • 請為我禱告,我計畫找學生在周末打球,一方面與學生多一些接觸,比較多的個人接觸,一方面也鍛鍊自己的健康。

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19

P.S. 如果您希望在電郵收到我的代禱信﹐請用電郵告訴我。謝謝﹗

October 23, 2008
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Greetings from Tom. I am grateful that many sisters and brothers in the Lord continue supporting me in prayer and finance for my ministry. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Updates

  • Recently my class has more students. It is because more students (40+) come to Bible study this semester. Second, many students do not move for different classrooms after song inspiration but stay in the same place. Due to pickup, special dinners and outings, many students become familiar with me, and they follow me to my classroom when I call them. Third, I adapt the chatting style this semester. We read the Bible in view of life with a relax attitude. Some students find fun this way. However, I usually go too far, but later I become more focusing on the passages.
  • The lunch Bible study at Georgetown University was planned to stop in the end of September because some coworkers will move out, the work schedules of some people are changed, and the meeting time is short. However, some gospel seekers have been used to this gathering, and so we decided to continue, and the book of Luke will be the subject of the next session.
  • On October 4 the coworkers of BWCBS and scholars and students from Georgetown University and George Washington University went to apple pick. We have 30 people to Larriland Farm, Woodbine, MD. After apple pick, potluck lunch and ice-breaking games, we knew each other more. However, it was too late for personal testimony because we arrived late.
  • On October 16 I went for hearing in New York City because a police officer thought I did not have the seat belt on, and she stopped me. In the hearing, the police officer did not have the violation note, and so the judge decided I was not guilty. In the last three months I prayed repeatedly that God would help me. However, I was thankful that God kept me and showed I am innocent.
  • On October 18 our friends Dan and Esther with their boy Matthew visited us. In the evening the new student Jame came with his wife Yvonne for dinner. They are just married. After dinner we brought them to the small group fellowship. That night Pastor Isaac Huang led the meeting and the subject was "The Relationship of the Couple." They enjoined the meeting and asked the gathering like this.

* Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for the coworkers of GWCBS. They have their own jobs and kids and have to prepare the meeting. Among them, two have heavier work recently, one is pregnant, and two have their unbelieving parents coming to visit.
  • Pray for students. They have heavy academic work and the temptations in the greater DC area. May God be their only guide. May students know Jesus Christ. Also pray for the graduates of this year. Many of them are still looking for job.
  • Pray for me. I plan to play ball sports with students so that I have move more individual contact with students and we can do exercise.

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ, Tom Hsu
P.S. If you hope to receive my newsletters by e-mail, please inform me by e-mail. Thank you.

2008-09-30, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2008-09-30; ; Tom's newsletter 09-30-2008


* 最近動態

  • 我在 2006 年秋季開始參與這個校園查經班,這個是由 Medical Center 華人研究員所發起的,由於各種因素形成以學者為主的查經班。
  • 去年中 (2007年夏季) 由於 James 的邀請,我參與 GWCBS (George Washington University Chinese Bible Study) 的事工。James 積極地協調,所以也包括一些來只其他學校的學生和學者,因為其他的學校我們有聯繫查經班,他們的聚會人少,而且時間與場地本身也很難配合。
  • 八月29日周五 - 九月01日周一 我們帶了10個學生參加友愛中華的第19屆退修會,地點在Summer's Best Two Weeks, Poswell, PA。場地是山上湖邊的一個營會中心,湖邊設立了水上設施。由於吃飯時打散了坐,所以很快就認識到來自其他地方的新朋友,特別是國內的同鄉。第三個晚上的夜消在餐廳吃,許多桌聊起信仰。
  • 這個月決定把我的網頁放到博客(部落格),比較好維護,因為過去使用免費網站空間,特定找了沒有廣告的空間,但是時間一久,就遭遇使用上和維護上的困難。這個博客目前還在建構中,還是很凌亂,訪客可以使用系統提供的「記事分類」,或著我整理的「總目錄」。

* 代禱事項

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19

P.S. 如果您希望在電郵收到我的代禱信﹐請用電郵告訴我。謝謝﹗

September 30, 2008
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Greetings from Tom. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Updates

  • Since Fall of 2006 I partook this Bible study. It is organized by the Chinese professionals in Medical Center. Due to many factors, currently the scholars are the main attendees.
  • Last summer (2007) James invited me, and I started to partook GWCBS (George Washington University Chinese Bible Study). James made efforts in coordination, and so some students Bible study groups of other school join to GWCBS. It was because those in contact with us have fewer students and difficulties in meeting time and place.
  • 08/29 Fri - 09/01 Mon, We brought 10 students to COM (China Outreach Ministries) 19th retreat at Summer's Best Two Weeks, Poswell, PA. The camp center locates at a lake in the mountain, and offers some fun water facilities. We were separated in meal time so that we could meet and know new friends from other places, specially from home towns. On the third night we had snack at cafeteria, many tables talked about the Christian faith.
  • This month I decided to move my webpages to blog. This is easy for me to maintain. In the past I used the free website hosting, and I found a non-ad space. However, when time passed, I felt difficult in usage and maintenance. This new blog is still under construction, and so it looks out of order. The visitors can refer to the categories feature offered by the blog system, or the general catalog made by me.

* Prayer Requests

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ, Tom Hsu
P.S. If you hope to receive my newsletters by e-mail, please inform me by e-mail. Thank you.

2008-12-03, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2008-12-03; ; Tom's newsletter 12-03-2008


* 最近動態

  • 周五查經,我的查經小組仍然在發燒中,一方面幾個老面孔很捧場,一方面今年的學生也比較活潑。我們在輕鬆中思考耶穌的救恩。在聊天中,我會問與經文有關的福音問題,也會質問他們的回答,然後引導出耶穌與我們的關係。
  • 11月7日 周五查經,我們邀請到華府中國基督教會的孫雅各牧師來分享,分享結束時,孫牧師呼召人接受耶穌,有四個人站出來。接下來11月2日一個 AU 的學生受洗,16日兩個 GU 學者受洗,30日一個 GWU 學生受洗。
  • 11月26日 起查經班聯合幾個教會,為學生安排了許多感恩節的活動。在教會聚餐,在美國人家中吃感恩大餐,在老中家聚餐,並且安排前往巴爾地摩水族館參觀。在周五的聚會我們有做見證的時間,紛紛見證這一年來從神領受到的恩典。
  • 11月起 我到 River House 宿舍找學生打球,主要是打網球,也打籃球。目前約五個學生來,如果有需要我們就去買菜。但是天氣開始寒冷了,我們開始討論要做什麼,踢足球、打紙牌、包水餃都有可能。
  • 11月22日到12月1日 我前往加州探望未信主的弟弟,也在當地的兩個教會講道。那是感恩節周,使我有理由去探望弟弟,因為弟弟近來身體欠安,不想會客。我很高興聽到他們主動表示願意跟我去教會。其實,弟弟中學時常跟著好友上教堂,是的,『那人撒種,這人收割』(太 4:37)。

* 代禱事項

  • 請為11月份受洗的學生及學者代禱,求神引導他們,是他們更認識祂,使他們信心堅定,也為主所用。
  • 請為我們禱告,讓我們能夠邀請更多學生來參加感恩節到新年期間的活動,讓他們多認識耶穌。
  • 請繼續為我禱告,讓我能夠藉著打球,與學生建立起良好的關係。

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19

P.S. 如果您希望在電郵收到我的代禱信﹐請用電郵告訴我。謝謝﹗

December 3, 2008
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Greetings from Tom. I am grateful that many sisters and brothers in the Lord continue supporting me in prayer and finance for my ministry. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Updates

  • In Friday Bible study my class is till hot. It is because some regular attendees get involved deeply, and the new students of this years are very active. However, my principle of Bible study is ponder the salvation of Jesus in a relax environment.
  • In November 7 Friday Bible study we had a special speaker Pastor James Sun from Chinese Christian Church of Greater Washington D.C. After sharing his message he invited unbelievers to accept Jesus, and there were three people walking to the front. In the following, an AU student was baptized on November 2, two GU scholars on November 16, and one GWU on November 30.
  • Bible study worked with some churches to organize many Thanksgiving activities for students which started on November 26, such as special dinner at churches, Thanksgiving dinner at American houses, Thanksgiving dinner with local Chinese, and trip to The National Aquarium in Baltimore. In the regular Friday meeting we had a testimony night. People shared the grace received in the past year.
  • Since November I started sport activities at River House apartments. Mainly we play tennis, but also basketball. Currently there are five students who join to us. Sometimes we go grocery shopping after sport. However, it turns cold, and we are discussing what to do, soccer, card games, doing dumplings, or something else.
  • On November 22 through December 1 I went to California to visit my unbelieving brother, and preached at two local churches. It was the Thanksgiving week so that I had a chance to visit him because my brother recently has physical problem and does not have visitors. It was glad to hear that they told me they will go to church with me. Actually, my brother regularly went to church with his good friend in high school days. "One sows and another reaps." (Matt. 4:37)

* Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for the students and scholars who were baptized in November so that they may know more of God, have a strong faith, and be used by God.
  • Please pray for us that we may invite more students to attend the activities which we promote for the season of Christmas and New Year, and they may know more of Jesus.
  • Please continue praying for me that I may build up good relationship with students through sports.

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ,
Tom Hsu
P.S. If you hope to receive my newsletters by e-mail, please inform me by e-mail. Thank you.

2009-05-30, Tom

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord:

Greetings from Tom Hsu. May peace and grace of the Lord be with you. Currently my family lives in Ashburn, VA. My wife Priscilla Yang is a piano teacher. We have three boys Bright, Concerto and Debar. They are in the elementary school. Our children are the treasure of the Lord. They love to Bible stories and prayer.

1. My New Ministry 

I joined to Impact Bible Studies (IBS) in March 2006. IBS is a Christian campus ministry to serve Chinese students in college campuses of America. The major activities of IBS are: annual evangelistic conferences, monthly gospel dinners, Bible study training, Bible interpretation training, evangelism training, co-workers training, visitation, counseling, preaching, and promotion of IBS. Most of activities are held in the Mid-Atlantic area. Pastor David Chen is my supervisor and mentor, and helping me to serve in different college campuses.

I thank God because He has been faithfully guiding me in His ministry. I graduated from Baptist Bible Seminary, VA in 1999. Before the graduation I had one-year internship in Kossuth Street Baptist Church, IN. The major ministry at that time was the campus ministry to Purdue University students. After graduation God led me to Chinese Bible Church of North Carolina, NC as internship minister in 2000 for two and half years, and Chinese Christian & Missionary Church, VA as associate pastor in 2003 for another two years.

2. My Updates

The ministry policy of IBS is to work with local churches for student ministry. After I joined to IBS in 2006, I visited some churches in the greater DC area, and also promoted my ministry in churches in New York. In August of 2006 I gradually joined to "Chantilly Bible Church" (CBC), VA. I also moved 16 boxes of books from IBS' bookstore in Pennsylvania to my place in Virginia. The book sales will help IBS financial burden and local Christians.

In October of 2006 I also joined to a Bible study group at Georgetown University (Living Stream Christian Fellowship, LSCF) which met at Wednesday noon. Since January of 2007 I started to lead the youth group of HCCC for six months until I had to meet the IBS director more often during the weekend. In August of 2007 I joined to a Bible study group of George Washington University students (GWCBS) which met every Friday evening. In Fall of 2008 LSCF joined to GWCBS because many of their coworkers relocated and GWCBS opened its ministry to more churches and campuses.

3. Payer Requests 

My current target is the Chinese students of George Washington University. Please pray for my ministry so that I may be fully used by God to lead people to the Lord and strengthen people in the faith. Also pray for me to have more opportunities to promote my ministry in different churches, and sell books for IBS' bookstore.

Furthermore, the financial supports of IBS mainly come from teaching and donation, and I do need a financial support. If you are willing to support me financially, you may send a check. Thank you.

In Christ
Tom Hsu

Brochure of My Students Ministry


    Impact Bible Studies (IBS) is a Christian campus ministry called by God to serve Chinese students in college campuses of America.There are about 200,000 of them separated in different colleges. Most of them are non-Christians. Our burden and mission is to share with them God's love and His wonderful messages.
    Visitation, counseling, preaching, training
    Preaching, training Free-will donation Chinese Christian books sale
There are around 400 Chinese students in George Washington University. Most of them never hear the gospel before they come.


  • Student are zealous for the truth
  • Some gifted students become murders.
  • Lectures on campus attack the Bible.
    2006 ........................................
  • March, I joined to Impact Bible Studies.
  • May, attended Young Adult Fellowship of Harvest Chinese Christian Church
  • October, joined a Bible study group at Georgetown University

    2007 ........................................
  • January, led the youth group of Harvest Chinese Christian Church, for six months
  • August, joined Bible study group of George Washington University

    2008 ........................................
  • August, 10 students joined COM retreat
  • October, 15 students joined apple pick
  • November, started a tennis fellowship at a student apartment

    2009 ........................................
  • February, brought 6 students to ski at Whitetail Resort
  • March, brought 15 students to the trip to Philadelphia May, brought 13 students joined the ISI conference at Buffalo, NY
    Motto: Thankful, Useful 
  • Contact students     - phone call, visitation, sports
  • Care their life     - weekly shopping, monthly dinner, seasonal outing
  • Invite them for one-to-one discipleship
  • Invite them for Bible study groups
    Please pray for my ministry.If you are willing to support me financially, you may send a check.

2009-08-22, Tom

Tom's Newsletter, 08/22/2009

August 22, 2009
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Greetings from Tom. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Updates
On July 4 and 5 I attended my church's (Chantilly Bible Church) retreat at Falling Waters, WV. I also set up the book stand there. Unfortunately, I ran out of traditional character Chinese Bibles. Three students joined us. I thought there was a student baptism held at the same weekend. When I found it was not until the end of month, it was too late for students to change their schedules.
On July 26 four students were baptized at lake, Middleburg, VA. They are Sister Zhu, Sister Wang, Brother Wang, and Brother Tao.
August 14 through 16 our students fellowship (GWCBS) organized a camping event at Point Lookout State Park, MD. Thirty people participated, and there were 14 students among us.
Since August 10 more new students arrived, and our coworkers became more busy in pickup, housing and moving. Actually some students had arrived as early as July 15.

* Prayer Requests

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ, Tom Hsu
P.S. If you hope to receive my newsletters by e-mail, please inform me by e-mail. Thank you.

2007-08-22, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2007-08-22; ; Tom's newsletter 08-22-2007

2007 年 08 月 22 日

* 最近動態
上個月的代禱信漏了賣書活動﹐已經補上。 請到 查閱。
七月 22 日和八月 12 日我受邀請在長島基督福音教會, Stony Brook, NY 講道。
八月 4 日George Mason University 校園事工開第二次籌備會﹐由於有些同工與自己教會的校園事奉有重疊﹐因此我們延後了既定的議程﹐全力討論相關問題的細節。
八月 9 日起 Georgetown University 活泉團契的聚會從週三中午改到週四傍晚﹐希望使得更多學生參加。我們也邀請到一位 Bridge International 的同工 Fred 來幫忙帶英語班和英文查經。
八月有新學生到來﹐我們開始忙著接機﹑找房子﹑和搬家。他們主要是 George Washington 的學生。八月 2 日我接了三位學生﹐13 日接了一對夫妻﹐15 日又接了兩個學生。他們大多暫住在 James 家﹐James 家曾同時容納到八個學生住。15 日我幫忙三個學生從 James 家搬出來﹐之後又帶一位學生 Simon 找 matress ﹐但是沒有找到想要的。
八月 17-19 日我參加長島新生基督教會的退修會﹐會場在 Hudson Valley Resort & Spa, Kerhonkson, NY。我主要是帶領青少年查經﹐我的妻子幫我賣書。

* 代禱事項
請為 Alice 的救恩禱告。 Alice 已經回國去了﹐她來美國前已經接觸過校園 (Campus Crusade) ﹐她對福音並不拒絕。在她回國前﹐她參加 GWU 查經班的週五查經﹐她在查經當中也分享許多。當晚在回家的路上我又回答她更多的問題。
也請為 Simon 的救恩禱告﹐還有Jacquelyn 和 Nancy。他們都生活在大都市﹐但是他們都沒有接觸過福音。在找 matress 的路上﹐我向 Simon 分享我信主的經過。
也為我個人的籌款禱告。因為 IBS 的財務收入主要來自於教導和奉獻﹐如果您願意在財務上支持我的服事﹐您可以寄支票。謝謝!!

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19

P.S. 如果您希望在電郵收到我的代禱信﹐請用電郵告訴我。謝謝﹗

August 22, 2007
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Greetings from Tom. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Updates
In the last newsletter the book sale activities were missing, but they were added. Please view it on
I preached at Christian Gospel Church, Stony Brook, NY on July 22 and August 12.
The campus ministry of George Mason University had the second preparation meeting on August 4. Since some coworkers had the overlap issue with their campus ministry in their local church, we postponed the rest of the agenda, and discussed the details of the related issues.
Georgetown University Living Spring Fellowship changed their meeting schedule from Wednesday noon to Thursday evening since August 9 in order that more students can attend. We invited Fred a Bridge International coworker to host a English class and English Bible study.
New students are arriving in August. We started to be busy in pickup at airport, finding the housing and moving. Most of them are George Washington students. I picked up three students on August 2, a couple on 13th, and two students on 15th. Most of them stayed in James' house. James once hospitalized eight students at the same time. I helped three students to move out of James' house. Afterward I help a student Simon to find a mattress, but he did not find what he wanted.
I attended the retreat organized by New Life Christian Church on Long Island on August 17-19. It was held at Hudson Valley Resort & Spa, Kerhonkson, NY. I led the youth Bible study, and my wife helped me to sell books.

* Prayer Requests
Pray for Alice's salvation who has returned to her country. Alice had been reached by Campus Crusade before she came to the States. She is open to the gospel. Before she left, she joined Friday Bible study of GWU students, she shared in Bible study. On the way home that night, I answered her more questions.
Pray for Simon's salvation as well as Jacquelyn and Nancy. They lived in the big cities, but they never heard the gospel. I shared my conversion with Simon on the way getting the mattress.
Pray for my trip to New York City. From this September I will go to Stony Brook in the weekend to help the student ministry.
Also pray for my fund raising. The financial supports of IBS mainly come from teaching and donation. If you are willing to support me financially, you may send a check. Thank you.

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ, Tom Hsu
P.S. If you hope to receive my newsletters by e-mail, please inform me by e-mail. Thank you.

2007-09-28, Tom

Tom 的代禱信 2007-09-28; ; Tom's newsletter 09-28-2007

2007 年 09 月 28 日

* 最近動態
八月 30 日 Georgetown University 活泉團契迎新﹐約四十多人參加。八月 31 日 George Washington University GWCBS (George Washington Chinese Bible Study) 迎新﹐約七十人參加。隨著學校開學﹐功課忙碌﹐來聚會的人數逐漸減少﹐活泉團契目前約有八位新人﹐GWCBS 約二十位新人。
九月 18-19 日我參加 Stony Brook University 大學部生生團契 CCF (Chinese Christian Fellowship) 在 Montrose Bible Conference, Montrose, PA 的退休會。
九月 22-23 日 GWCBS 邀請約有八位新生參加唐崇榮牧師的佈道會﹐今年的題目是「基督是誰﹖」。九月 26 日張敏宜接待四名中國訪問學者﹐也歡送一對老夫婦回國﹐因此他邀請三位同工前往﹐做個人談道。

* 代禱事項
請為我到校園探訪的事禱告。從我家到 DC 約有 50 分鐘的車程﹐在 DC 很難找到停車位﹐再者﹐近來要出門前常常臨時有事阻擾﹐一延遲出門就會影響下午接孩子放學。一些學生已經表明期待我去探訪他們﹐願神快快帶領我到他們那裡去。
也為我個人的籌款禱告。因為 IBS 的財務收入主要來自於教導和奉獻﹐如果您願意在財務上支持我的服事﹐您可以寄支票。謝謝!!

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19


September 28, 2007
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Greetings from Tom. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Updates
The welcome party of Georgetown University LSF (Living String Fellowship) was held on August 30. Around 40 people attended. The welcome party of Geor Washington University GWCBS (George Washington Chinese Bible Study) was held on August 31. Around 70s people. After the school began, students became busy in study and less students came to meetings. Currently, LSF has around 8 new comers, and GWCBS has around 20 new comers.
On September 18-19 I attended the retreat of Stony Brook University CCF (Chinese Christian Fellowship, a undergraduate students fellowship) held at Montrose Bible Conference, Montrose, PA.
On September 22-23 GWCBS invited around eight new students to Dr. Steven Tong's evangelistic meeting. The subject of this year is "Who is Jesus?" On September 26 James received four exchange students from China, and had a farewell party for a old couple leaving for home country. He invited three coworkers to come for personal evangelism.

* Prayer Requests
Pray for my visits to the campuses. There is 50 minute drive from my house to DC. It is also very hard to find a parking space in DC. Furthermore, there were often some things coming up while I was leaving. If I am leaving late, I may not pick up kids after school on time. Some students have been expecting my visits. May God bring me to them soon.
Pray God to give us wisdom to use the place space and counselors effectively. Recently we developed a evangelistic format: personal evangelism in dinner. People sit with you, and it is easy to change the topic to the gospel at table. The weaknesses are hard to complete a conversation because people move around. Second, it is easy to form two person conversation along with many observing.
Also pray for my fund raising. The financial supports of IBS mainly come from teaching and donation. If you are willing to support me financially, you may send a check. Thank you.

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ, Tom Hsu

2007-07-16, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2007-07-16; ; Tom's newsletter 07-16-2007

2007年07月16日 (revised)


* 聯誼活動

2006 年 12 月有兩個聖誕節的聚會﹐Georgetown University 的基督活泉團契邀請了 20 多位學生學者與他們的家屬在學校聚餐﹐餐後還有節目使彼此相識﹐也介紹耶穌的降臨。George Mason University 的徐寧教授也邀請 8 位的學生來家裡聚餐﹐介紹在美國求學﹑求職﹑生活的點滴。
2007 年 3 月基督活泉團契又邀請 13 位學生學者往 Williamsburg 古城一遊。5 月又成團到尼加拉瀑布﹐但是我因為其他事奉沒有參加。7 月初又邀請 10 位大學生聚餐並觀看福音影片。

* 最近動態與代禱事項

2007 年春季我選修了「哥林多前書解經」﹐繼續我在 Capital Bible Seminary 神學碩士的課程﹐。
2006 年 12 月至 2007 年 6 月帶領「豐收華夏基督教會」的「青少年團契」﹐因為他們原來的輔導即將離職。但是由於暑假後我有別的事奉﹐我必須在 6 月後停止在「青少年團契」的服事。請為新的團契輔導禱告。
2007 年上半年我與幾位同工試圖在 George Mason University 校園裡開始日間聚會﹐但是由於校方給的場地經常更動﹐出席的學生也要畢業﹐因此我們決定下學期改在校外聚會。
讚美神﹐2007 年上半年有兩個人在基督活泉團契接受主耶穌。
我們「真理探索者團契」有個小書房叫「永不後悔書房」﹐暑期是到各特會賣書的主要時段﹐今年夏季目前為止﹐我過去參加的特會﹐並且在那裡賣書的有﹕六月 30 日到 七月 1 日北維州台灣長老教會在 Skycroft Conference Cente, Middletown, MD 舉辦退修會﹐七月 6-8 日中華海外宣道會的佳音團契在Lutheran Brethren Conference Center, Mount Bethel, PA 舉辦聖經營﹐七月 14-15 日香堤裡聖經教會華語堂在 Messiah College, Grantham, PA 舉辦退修會。
基督活泉團契邀學生 7 月中往 Shenandoah 一遊。請為此一行程代禱。
也為我個人的籌款禱告。因為 IBS 的財務收入主要來自於教導和奉獻﹐如果您願意在財務上支持我的服事﹐您可以寄支票。謝謝!!

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19

P.S. 如果您希望在電郵收到我的代禱信﹐請用電郵告訴我。謝謝﹗

July 16, 2007 (revised)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:

Greetings from Tom. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Fellowship Activities

Dinners and trips are good ideas to get known with new friends and unbelievers. It is because there is no pressure and people cab talk without disturbing in the car and at table.
In December of 2006 there were two Christmas gatherings. Living Stream Christian Fellowship (LSCF) of Georgetown University invited 20s of students and scholars and their family to Christmas dinner on campus. After the dinner, there were the ice breaking program and the introduction of Jesus' birth. Professor Vernon Hsu of George Mason University also invited eight GMU students to have dinner at home, shared the experience of study, work and life in America.
In March of 2007 LSCF organized a trip to Williamsburg, VA. There was a trip to Niagara Falls in May which I did not participated due to my other ministry. In early July there were 10 undergraduate students invited for dinner and gospel video.

* Updates and Prayer Requests

In spring of 2007 I took "The Exegesis of The First Corinthians." to continue my study in Theology Master program in Capital Bible Seminary.
From December of 2006 to June of 2007 I led Youth Fellowship of Harvest Chinese Christian Church. It was because their old counselor was leaving his job. Later, because I will have other ministry after the summer, I have to stop the ministry in Youth Fellowship. Please pray for the new counselor of Youth Fellowship.
In the first half year of 2007 some coworkers and I tries to start a daytime meeting on the George Mason University campus. Later, the assigned places changed a lot, and the attending students will graduate, and so we decided to meet outside of campus in the next semester.
Praise the Lord! In the first half year of 2007 there were two people from Living Stream Christian Fellowship accepting Jesus Christ.
My ministry organization "Impact Bible Studies" has her own small boostore named "Never Regret Books," The summer time is the high season that we go to different conferences for book sale. This summer, I have attended some special event conferences and sold books there. They are: the retreat organized by Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church and held at Skycroft Conference Cente, Middletown, MD on 06/30-07/01/2007, the Bible camp organized by Good News Fellowship of Oversea Chinese Mission and held at Lutheran Brethren Conference Center, Mount Bethel, PA on 07/06-08/2007, and the retreat organized by Chinese Congregation of Chantilly Bible Church and held at Messiah College, Grantham, PA, 07/14-15/2007
LSCF will invite students for the trip to Shenandoah in the middle of July. Please pray for them.

Also pray for my fund raising. The financial supports of IBS mainly come from teaching and donation. If you are willing to support me financially, you may send a check. Thank you.

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ,
Tom Hsu
P.S. If you hope to receive my newsletters by e-mail, please inform me by e-mail. Thank you.

2006-11-11, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2006-11-09; ; Tom's newsletter 11-09-2006




1. 我的最近動態
今年三月開始,我加入了一個福音機構「真理探索者團契」"Impact Bible Studies " 的事奉行列。我的工作是在北維州參與和發展校園事工﹐主要對象是華人學生。
五月拜訪「豐收華夏基督教會」時認識了 David Case﹐八月中他帶我進入 "Washington International Network - DC"﹐WIN DC 是一個大華府地區校園事工的同工聯誼會﹐九月底帶我一起探察「北維州社區大學」 Annandale 分部﹐他打算在那個校區成立學生團契。十月裡他積極展開籌備工作﹐他一再強調盡可能配合既有的校園事工﹐避免製造事工的重複和競爭。他的分享使我受益良 多。
四月我開始參加「豐收華夏基督教會」的小組聚會﹐六月開始參加「香堤里聖經教會」的小組聚會﹐八月初加入「香堤里聖經教會」。八月底承蒙「馬利蘭中華聖經 教會」的允許﹐在他們一個週末的聖經講座賣 IBS 書房的書。九月參加 “George Mason University” 台灣同學會所舉辦的中秋節聚餐﹐餐會中也遇到其他教會的同工。
十月底﹐張敏誼邀請我到 Georgetown University 的一個查經聚會。張敏誼是 David Case 介紹我認識的﹐他對學生事工很有負擔。之後我們每個週三中午都參加他們的聚會。
2006 年的秋季班我也在 “Capital Bible Seminary” 開始神學碩士的課程﹐這個學期我只修一門課。

2. 現階段事工規劃草案
目標是成立學生自主的團契﹐原則是重視一對一的關懷。工作項目有 (1) 在校園接觸學生﹐介紹校園和當地生活﹐邀請他們參加一對一的門徒造就﹐以及小組查經。 (2) 在校外教會的家庭可以邀請學生來聚餐和購物﹐教會的小組可以邀請學生來參加每週的查經﹐每月的擴大餐會﹐每季的郊遊活動。3. 蒙福與代禱事項
「香堤里聖經教會」已經多年沒有做學生事工﹐目前在 “George Mason University” 有兩位教授與一位 part time 的學生。一位教授九月時表示對學生事工有負擔﹐十月時表示計畫邀請學生感恩節時來家中聚餐。神又重新在這個教會動工了!
請繼續為我在 GMU 的事工禱告。
也為我個人的籌款禱告。因為 IBS 的財務收入主要來自於教導和奉獻﹐而我每年需要籌款 $15,000﹐如果您願意在財務上支持我的服事﹐您可以寄支票。謝謝!!

「然而﹐人未曾信他﹐怎能求他呢﹖未曾聽見他﹐怎能信他呢﹖沒有傳道的﹐怎能聽見呢﹖」 -- 羅馬書 10:14


November 11, 2006
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Greetings from Tom Hsu. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

1. My Update
I joined "Impact Bible Studies" in March 2006. My job is to participate and develop the campus ministries in northern Virginia.
In May I met David Case when I visited "Harvest Chinese Christian Church." In the middle of August he introduced "Washington International Network - DC" to me. WIN DC is an association of campus coworkers in the greater Washington DC area. In late September he invited me to visit and explore ministry needs at NOVA Community College / Annandale Campus. He planned to form a Bible study group there. In October he was diligent to prepare for the new group, but he repeatedly shared a ministry principle with me: First, try to work with an existing ministry and avoid unnecessary overlap and competition between two or more ministries. His sharing of this principle was very helpful for me.
In April I began to participate in the small group meetings of "Harvest Chinese Christian Church,". In June I began to participate in the small group meetings of "Chantilly Bible Church," and in early August I joined "Chantilly Bible Church." In late August I got the permission of "Chinese Bible Church of Maryland" to sell books from IBS' bookstore. In September I attended the Chinese Moon Festival BBQ event sponsored by George Mason University Taiwanese student association, and met some coworkers of another church.
In late October James Chang invited me to visit a Georgetown University Bible study group. James was introduced to me by David Case. He has burden for Campus ministry. Since then we attend this Bible study every Wednesday noon.
In fall of 2006 I started an Master of Theology program at "Capital Bible Seminary." I am taking one class this semester.

2. Current Ministry Project Draft
The goal is to form a student governing fellowship. The principle is to emphasize the one-on-one discipleship. The tasks include (1) on campus to contact students, introduce the campus and local life style, invite them to on-on-one discipleship and small group Bible study; (2) outside of campus families in the church can invite students for meals and shopping, and small groups can invite them for weekly Bible study, monthly big dinner, and seasonly outing activities. 

3. Blessings and Prayer Requests
"Chantilly Bible Church" has not had a campus ministry for several years. Currently they have two professors and a part time student at "George Mason University." One of the professors expressed his burden for campus ministry in September, and in October he expressed his plan to invite students to his house for Thanksgiving dinner. God seems to be working again in this church.
Please continue praying for my ministry to GMU.
Also pray for my fund raising. The financial support of IBS mainly comes from teaching and donations, and I have to raise $15,000 per year. If you are willing to support me financially, you may send a check. Thank you.

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?" -- Romans 10:14

In Christ
Tom Hsu


真理探索者團契 (Impact Bible Studies, IBS) 是一個基督教校園事工﹐被神呼召﹐服事在美國校園裡的中國學生和台灣學生。在美國約有二十萬的說華語的學生分散在各個大學校園﹐但是他們多數人都還沒信 主。我們的負擔和使命是向他們分享神的愛和他的信息。

在 1987 年在中大西洋地區我們開始學生事工。此後為了中國學生和台灣學生﹐我們每年組織冬令佈道年會。在 1999 年底我們向政府申請許可﹐組織非營利的宗教組織。如此﹐我們可以更有效率地監督在中大西洋區的所有事工。我們的活動
真理探索者團契 (IBS) 每年的主要活動。多數的活動在中大西洋地區舉行﹕
  1. 每年在不同地方有佈道年會。例如﹕WV, NY 
  2. 每月在不同的大學城有福音餐會。例如﹕VA, WV, NY, OH 
  3. 查經培訓﹑解經培訓﹑佈道培訓﹑同工培訓﹑相關議題的講座 
  4. 談訪﹑輔導﹑講道﹑事工分享
我們年度預算多年來一直是 $72,000.00﹐如果沒有改變的需求﹐這個預算將會繼續保持到 2006。預算將包括全職傳道人(陳牧師)的月薪﹑冬令會﹑辦公室開支﹑等等。可能的財務來源可以歸類成三類﹕
  1. $48,000.00 來自講道﹑教導﹑訓練﹑輔導等等 
  2. $18,000.00 來自自由奉獻 
  3. $6,000.00 來自中文基督教書籍的販賣
我們只有一個全職的傳道人﹐陳鋒卿牧師。當事工有需要時﹐也有許多的義工。在 the Board of Directors 有三個人﹕陳鋒卿牧師 (PA)﹑ Rev. Joseph Cheng (WV) and Rev. Daniel Chiang (TX)。

Impact Bible Studies (IBS) is a Christian campus ministry called by God to serve Chinese and Taiwanese students in /on college campuses in America. There are about 200,000 of them scattered throughout the country at many different colleges and universities. Most of them are non-Christians. Our burden and mission is to share God's love and His wonderful message with them.

Impact Bible Studies, Inc. started in the mid-Atlantic area in 1987. Since then we have organized an annual winter conference on evangelism for Chinese and Taiwanese students. In late 1999, we applied for permission from the government and organized a non-profit religious organization. In doing so, we could more effectively oversee all of the ministries in the mid-Atlantic area.

There are several major activities that IBS focuses on each year; and most of them are held in the mid-Atlantic area:
  1. Annual evangelistic conferences in different locations. For example, in WV and NY. 
  2. Monthly Gospel dinners in different college towns, cooperating with local churches. For example, in VA, WV, NY, and OH. 
  3. Bible study training; Bible interpretation training; evangelism training; co-workers training; special lectures on other related issues. 
  4. Visitation; counseling; preaching; promoting IBS ministry.
Our annual budget has been $72,000.00 for the past several years and will remain the same for the coming year of 2006 or 2007, if there is no demand for change. It will cover the monthly salary for one full-time minister (Rev. Chen); conference and office expenses, etc… The potential sources of this income are:
  1. $48,000.00 from preaching, teaching, training, counseling, etc. 
  2. $18,000.00 from free-will donations. 
  3. $6,000.00 from Chinese Christian book sales.
We have one full-time minister, Rev. Chen, many volunteers when there is a need in ministries, and three persons on the board of directors: Rev. David Chen (PA), Rev. Joseph Cheng (WV) and Rev. Daniel Chiang (TX).

2006-08-22, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2006-08-22; ; Tom's newsletter 08-22-2006


1. 我的新事奉
今年三月開始,我加入了一個福音機構「真理探索者」Impact Bible Studies (IBS) 的事奉行列。IBS 是一個服事美國大學裡的中國學生事工﹐我們的服事包括﹕經常舉辦佈道會和福音聚餐向中國學生傳福音﹐並籌辦各種查經、解經佈道和同工的訓練﹐有時透過探訪、協談幫助有需要的人﹐另外﹐也會有機會到一些地方講道並推動 IBS 的事工。目前的事奉較多集中在大西洋地區的中部。陳卿鋒牧師是我的輔導﹐他會帶領我熟悉 IBS 的事工﹐並幫助我在不同的大學校園裡服事。感謝神在祂的聖工上一直帶領我。1999 年我從賓州的 Baptist Bible Seminary 畢業﹐畢業之前﹐我在印地安那州的 Kossuth Street Baptist Church 實習一年﹐當時主要是參與在「普渡大學」的校園福音事工。畢業後,神帶領我到北卡州的「北卡聖經教會」擔任兩年半的實習傳道﹐之後,到北維州的「中國基督徒宣道會」做副牧師兩年。

2. 我的最近動態目前我們一家住在北維州的Ashburn。我的妻子楊惠雯是個鋼琴老師﹐我們有三個兒子﹕啟明、讚恩、揚敬﹐分別是七歲、六歲、五歲﹐他們上同一所公立小學。孩子是神賜給我們的寶貝﹐他們喜歡聽聖經故事﹐也喜歡我們為他們禱告。IBS 的服事原則是配合及支援當地教會的學生事工﹐所以,三月到六月期間,我拜訪了幾間在大華府地區的教會。也到過紐約向一些教會分享我的新事工。直到五、六月,我逐漸固定在北維州的「豐收華夏基督教會」和「香堤里聖經教會」聚會。我也從賓州的IBS的書房運了十六箱書籍來到北維州﹐賣書不但可以減輕IBS 的經費負擔﹐亦可以幫助當地的基督徒。七月份起,我開始帶領一個小組查經﹐這使我可以和其他會友建立更親近的關係﹐也能夠找到一起服事的同工。

3. 代禱事項我未來服事的主要對象是George Mason University 的中國學生。請您為我的服事禱告﹐叫我的服事能夠更完全被神使用﹐帶領人信靠主﹐並堅定眾人的信心。也請為我禱告﹐使我很快融入新的教會﹐找到一起服事的同工﹐很快可以在校園中開展事工。另外﹐求神讓我能得到更多機會到不同教會分享我的服事﹐並為 IBS 的書房賣書。此外﹐因為IBS 的財務收入主要來自於教導和奉獻﹐我每年需要 $15,000 的經費支助﹐如果您願意在財務上支持我的服事﹐您可以寄支票。謝謝!! 

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19


August 22, 2006
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord:Greetings from Tom Hsu. It has been a long time that I did not contact you.

1. My New Ministry
I joined to Impact Bible Studies (IBS) in March 2006. IBS is a Christian campus ministry to serve Chinese students in college campuses of America. Our major activities are: annual evangelistic conferences, monthly gospel dinners, Bible study training, Bible interpretation training, evangelism training, co-workers training, visitation, counseling, preaching, and promotion of IBS. Most of activities are held in the Mid-Atlantic area. Pastor David Chen is my supervisor and mentor, and helping me to become familiar with IBS ministries and serve in different college campuses.I thank God because He has been faithfully guiding me in His ministry. I graduated from Baptist Bible Seminary, VA in 1999. Before the graduation I had one-year internship in Kossuth Street Baptist Church, IN. The major ministry at that time was the campus ministry to Purdue University students. After graduation God led me to Chinese Bible Church of North Carolina, NC as internship minister for two and half years, and later to Chinese Christian & Missionary Church, VA as associate pastor for another two years.

2. My Updates
Currently my family lives in Ashburn, VA. My wife Priscilla Yang is a piano teacher. We have three boys Bright, Concerto and Debar. They are seven, six and five, and they go to the same public elementary school. Our children are the treasure of the Lord. They love to Bible stories and prayer.The ministry policy is to work with local churches for student ministry, and so I visited some churches in the greater DC area from March to June. I also promoted my ministry in churches in New York. In May and June I gradually settled down in "Harvest Chinese Christian Church" and "Chantilly Bible Church" in Virginia. I also moved 16 boxes of books from IBS' bookstore in Pennsylvania to Virginia. The book sales will help IBS financial burden and local Christians. Since July I started to lead a small group Bible study, and this helps me build a close relationship with others and find my co-workers for my campus ministry.

3. Payer Requests
My target is the Chinese students of George Mason University. Please pray for my ministry so that I may be fully used by God to lead people to the Lord and strengthen people in the faith. Also pray for me that it does not take a long time to fit in new churches, find coworkers for student ministry, and start the ministry on campus. Also pray for me to have more opportunities to promote my ministry in different churches, and sell books for IBS' bookstore.Furthermore, the financial supports of IBS mainly come from teaching and donation, and I need a financial support of $15,000. If you are willing to support me financially, you may send a check. Thank you.

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ
Tom Hsu

Saturday, May 21, 2011

[转] 怎么传福音?





2009-5-19 07:54





2009-5-21 21:26


2009-05-26 14:19


2009-05-27 08:24
除去罪的目的是什么呢?-- 罪就是破坏,除罪为的是重建。
除去眼泪的结果又是什么呢?-- 眼泪就是失去、懊悔。眼泪的相反就是欢笑。
我们的盼望到底是什么?-- 平安。

2009-05-27 08:25

信了耶稣后,就要来跟我做,-- 乍听之下,没有错呀,

2009-5-29 18:48



2009-06-01 04:26


[转] 三元福音布道


*三元福音倍进布道第一阶段学习手册,香港﹕香港三元福音倍进布道, 2001五版/1979

D.见证*自从我有永生,不单今生有了改变, 也肯定自己可以上天堂。
E.诊断问题*假如你今天晚上离开世界, 是否肯定自己可以上天堂?
诊断问题二*假如你今天晚上离开世界,来到神的面前, 神问你﹕为什么我要让你进入我的天堂?你会那么回答?
*为什么大多数人不知道自己可以上天堂呢? 原来圣经告诉我们...
*这样,人岂不是绝望了吗?不是的, 因为圣经告诉我们...
*基督为我们死在十字架上,付上了罪的赎价; 又为我们复活,预备天堂作为礼物送给我们。
*就是,接受复活与永活的基督作你上天堂的救主, 作你生活上的主宰。
*你愿意悔改吗?悔改就是离开自己的罪, 专心跟随基督。
D.祷告*我可以领你一起祷告, 将你刚才告诉我的决定告诉神。
E.诊断问题*圣经说﹕(约壹5:13)我将这些话写给你们..., 要叫你们知道自己有永生。
A.恩典*圣经说﹕(罗6:23)因为罪的工价乃是死。 惟有神的恩赐,在我们的主基督耶稣里乃是永生。
*圣经说﹕(弗2:8,9)你们得救是本乎恩,也因著信, 这并不是出于自己,乃是神所赐的。也不是出于行为,免得有人自夸。
*朋友送礼物给你,如果你付钱给他,那么那就不是礼物, 而是交易了。
B.人*圣经说﹕(罗3:23)因为世人都犯了罪, 亏缺了神的荣耀。
*如果一个人很谨慎到一天只犯三次罪, 那么一年就有一千多次的罪。
*当我用五颗蛋炒一盘蛋,后来发现有一颗蛋是坏的, 那么那整盘炒蛋也就不能吃了。
*圣经说﹕(箴14:12)有一条路人以为正。 至终成为死亡之路。
C.神*圣经说﹕(约壹4:8)没有爱心的,就不认识神。 因为神就是爱。
*圣经说﹕(出34:7)为千万人存留慈爱,赦免罪孽,过犯, 和罪恶,万不以(有罪的)为无罪,必追讨他的罪,自父及子, 直到三,四代。
*公正的法官,不会因为犯罪的人是自己的儿子, 就宣判无罪释放。
D.基督*圣经说﹕(约1:1;20:28)太初有道,道与神同在, 道就是神。我的主,我的神。
*比如我左手上的书记录我一生所犯的罪, 右手好比基督从天降下,承担我的罪(书交给右手),为我死,下阴间, 又复活、升天。
*圣经说﹕(赛53:06)我们都如羊走迷,各人偏行己路。 耶和华使我们众人的罪孽都归在他身上。
*圣经说﹕(雅2:19)你信神只有一位,你信的不错。 鬼魔也信,却是战兢。
*你相信这张椅子可以承受你的重量吗? 如果你没有坐上去,怎么证明你的信心呢?
*我就像乞丐伸出手来,接受国王的礼物 (左手接过右手的笔),心中充满著感恩。
C.澄清*圣经说﹕(启03:20)看哪,我站在门外叩门。 若有听见我声音就开门的,我要进到他那里去,我与他, 他与我一同坐席。
E.确据*圣经说﹕(约06:47)我实实在在的告诉你们, 信的人有永生。
    I. 引 言 
        *基督为我们死在十字架上, 付上了罪的赎价;又为我们复活 ,预备天堂作为礼物送给我们。
        *而是,得救的信心就是 单单信靠基督而上天堂。