
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

About Me

Hi, my name is Priscilla Yang.  I am a campus staff of COM.  COM stands for China Outreach Ministries.  My main ministry field is George Washington University.


COM is a non-profit Christian organization.  COM envisions many of these mainland Chinese intellectuals and professionals coming to faith in Christ, being baptized, seeking discipleship and becoming part of a local church body. In 1959 COM started a ministry to Chinese visiting scholars and students who come from China and study in USA. The targets that COM is serving are those who study in University campuses in the east coast.  Here is COM's website: .  Please check out COM's website for further information.

  “友爱中华” 是个非营利的机构。“友爱中华” 看见在美国许多来自中国的知识分子、专业人士相信基督、受洗、接受培训、、成为地方教会的会员。因此在1959年起 “友爱中华” 开始服事从中国来美国进修的访问学者和学生。“友爱中华” 所服事的对象主要是在东岸的大学校园的学生学者。“友爱中华” 的官方网站是: 。请造访 “友爱中华” 的网站,以便更认识 “友爱中华”。

I serve students and scholars of George Washington University through GWCBS.  GWCBS stands for Greater Washington Chinese Bible Study, which is Bible study group.  GWCBS was founded by Chinese students of George Washington University (GWU).  GWCBS used to stand for George Washington Chinese Bible Study.  Since 2007 more students and scholars join from other nearby Universities, such as Georgetown University, American university, and John Hopkins University.  Therefore, the full name of GWCBS has been changed.  Here is GWCBS' website: .  Please check out GWCBS's website for further information.

透过乔治华盛顿华人查经班,我服事在乔治华盛顿大学的学生学者。乔治华盛顿华人查经班是乔治华盛顿大学的中国学生发起的。自从2007年有更多的学生从其他学校加入,他们来自乔治城大学、美国大学、强霍金斯大学。因此,改名为大华府华人查经班。查经班的网站在: 。请造访查经班的网站,以便更认识这个查经班。

Since COM is a non-profit organization, I have to raise fund for my ministry.  If you would like to support me financially, you can send a check to COM with memo "for Priscilla Yang."  Thank you.

因为 “友爱中华”  是非盈利的机构,所以我必须为我的事工募款。如果你愿意在金钱上支持我的事工,你可以寄支票到 “友爱中华” ,注明 “for Priscilla Yang”。谢谢。
    China Outreach Ministries   
    555 Gettysburg Pike    
    Suite A-200    
    Mechanicsburg, PA 17055    
    Phone: 717-591-3500    
    Fax: 717-591-0412  

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