
Monday, May 23, 2011

2007-08-22, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2007-08-22; ; Tom's newsletter 08-22-2007

2007 年 08 月 22 日

* 最近動態
上個月的代禱信漏了賣書活動﹐已經補上。 請到 查閱。
七月 22 日和八月 12 日我受邀請在長島基督福音教會, Stony Brook, NY 講道。
八月 4 日George Mason University 校園事工開第二次籌備會﹐由於有些同工與自己教會的校園事奉有重疊﹐因此我們延後了既定的議程﹐全力討論相關問題的細節。
八月 9 日起 Georgetown University 活泉團契的聚會從週三中午改到週四傍晚﹐希望使得更多學生參加。我們也邀請到一位 Bridge International 的同工 Fred 來幫忙帶英語班和英文查經。
八月有新學生到來﹐我們開始忙著接機﹑找房子﹑和搬家。他們主要是 George Washington 的學生。八月 2 日我接了三位學生﹐13 日接了一對夫妻﹐15 日又接了兩個學生。他們大多暫住在 James 家﹐James 家曾同時容納到八個學生住。15 日我幫忙三個學生從 James 家搬出來﹐之後又帶一位學生 Simon 找 matress ﹐但是沒有找到想要的。
八月 17-19 日我參加長島新生基督教會的退修會﹐會場在 Hudson Valley Resort & Spa, Kerhonkson, NY。我主要是帶領青少年查經﹐我的妻子幫我賣書。

* 代禱事項
請為 Alice 的救恩禱告。 Alice 已經回國去了﹐她來美國前已經接觸過校園 (Campus Crusade) ﹐她對福音並不拒絕。在她回國前﹐她參加 GWU 查經班的週五查經﹐她在查經當中也分享許多。當晚在回家的路上我又回答她更多的問題。
也請為 Simon 的救恩禱告﹐還有Jacquelyn 和 Nancy。他們都生活在大都市﹐但是他們都沒有接觸過福音。在找 matress 的路上﹐我向 Simon 分享我信主的經過。
也為我個人的籌款禱告。因為 IBS 的財務收入主要來自於教導和奉獻﹐如果您願意在財務上支持我的服事﹐您可以寄支票。謝謝!!

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19

P.S. 如果您希望在電郵收到我的代禱信﹐請用電郵告訴我。謝謝﹗

August 22, 2007
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Greetings from Tom. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Updates
In the last newsletter the book sale activities were missing, but they were added. Please view it on
I preached at Christian Gospel Church, Stony Brook, NY on July 22 and August 12.
The campus ministry of George Mason University had the second preparation meeting on August 4. Since some coworkers had the overlap issue with their campus ministry in their local church, we postponed the rest of the agenda, and discussed the details of the related issues.
Georgetown University Living Spring Fellowship changed their meeting schedule from Wednesday noon to Thursday evening since August 9 in order that more students can attend. We invited Fred a Bridge International coworker to host a English class and English Bible study.
New students are arriving in August. We started to be busy in pickup at airport, finding the housing and moving. Most of them are George Washington students. I picked up three students on August 2, a couple on 13th, and two students on 15th. Most of them stayed in James' house. James once hospitalized eight students at the same time. I helped three students to move out of James' house. Afterward I help a student Simon to find a mattress, but he did not find what he wanted.
I attended the retreat organized by New Life Christian Church on Long Island on August 17-19. It was held at Hudson Valley Resort & Spa, Kerhonkson, NY. I led the youth Bible study, and my wife helped me to sell books.

* Prayer Requests
Pray for Alice's salvation who has returned to her country. Alice had been reached by Campus Crusade before she came to the States. She is open to the gospel. Before she left, she joined Friday Bible study of GWU students, she shared in Bible study. On the way home that night, I answered her more questions.
Pray for Simon's salvation as well as Jacquelyn and Nancy. They lived in the big cities, but they never heard the gospel. I shared my conversion with Simon on the way getting the mattress.
Pray for my trip to New York City. From this September I will go to Stony Brook in the weekend to help the student ministry.
Also pray for my fund raising. The financial supports of IBS mainly come from teaching and donation. If you are willing to support me financially, you may send a check. Thank you.

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ, Tom Hsu
P.S. If you hope to receive my newsletters by e-mail, please inform me by e-mail. Thank you.

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