
Monday, May 23, 2011

2007-09-28, Tom

Tom 的代禱信 2007-09-28; ; Tom's newsletter 09-28-2007

2007 年 09 月 28 日

* 最近動態
八月 30 日 Georgetown University 活泉團契迎新﹐約四十多人參加。八月 31 日 George Washington University GWCBS (George Washington Chinese Bible Study) 迎新﹐約七十人參加。隨著學校開學﹐功課忙碌﹐來聚會的人數逐漸減少﹐活泉團契目前約有八位新人﹐GWCBS 約二十位新人。
九月 18-19 日我參加 Stony Brook University 大學部生生團契 CCF (Chinese Christian Fellowship) 在 Montrose Bible Conference, Montrose, PA 的退休會。
九月 22-23 日 GWCBS 邀請約有八位新生參加唐崇榮牧師的佈道會﹐今年的題目是「基督是誰﹖」。九月 26 日張敏宜接待四名中國訪問學者﹐也歡送一對老夫婦回國﹐因此他邀請三位同工前往﹐做個人談道。

* 代禱事項
請為我到校園探訪的事禱告。從我家到 DC 約有 50 分鐘的車程﹐在 DC 很難找到停車位﹐再者﹐近來要出門前常常臨時有事阻擾﹐一延遲出門就會影響下午接孩子放學。一些學生已經表明期待我去探訪他們﹐願神快快帶領我到他們那裡去。
也為我個人的籌款禱告。因為 IBS 的財務收入主要來自於教導和奉獻﹐如果您願意在財務上支持我的服事﹐您可以寄支票。謝謝!!

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19


September 28, 2007
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Greetings from Tom. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Updates
The welcome party of Georgetown University LSF (Living String Fellowship) was held on August 30. Around 40 people attended. The welcome party of Geor Washington University GWCBS (George Washington Chinese Bible Study) was held on August 31. Around 70s people. After the school began, students became busy in study and less students came to meetings. Currently, LSF has around 8 new comers, and GWCBS has around 20 new comers.
On September 18-19 I attended the retreat of Stony Brook University CCF (Chinese Christian Fellowship, a undergraduate students fellowship) held at Montrose Bible Conference, Montrose, PA.
On September 22-23 GWCBS invited around eight new students to Dr. Steven Tong's evangelistic meeting. The subject of this year is "Who is Jesus?" On September 26 James received four exchange students from China, and had a farewell party for a old couple leaving for home country. He invited three coworkers to come for personal evangelism.

* Prayer Requests
Pray for my visits to the campuses. There is 50 minute drive from my house to DC. It is also very hard to find a parking space in DC. Furthermore, there were often some things coming up while I was leaving. If I am leaving late, I may not pick up kids after school on time. Some students have been expecting my visits. May God bring me to them soon.
Pray God to give us wisdom to use the place space and counselors effectively. Recently we developed a evangelistic format: personal evangelism in dinner. People sit with you, and it is easy to change the topic to the gospel at table. The weaknesses are hard to complete a conversation because people move around. Second, it is easy to form two person conversation along with many observing.
Also pray for my fund raising. The financial supports of IBS mainly come from teaching and donation. If you are willing to support me financially, you may send a check. Thank you.

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ, Tom Hsu

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