
Monday, May 23, 2011

2008-12-03, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2008-12-03; ; Tom's newsletter 12-03-2008


* 最近動態

  • 周五查經,我的查經小組仍然在發燒中,一方面幾個老面孔很捧場,一方面今年的學生也比較活潑。我們在輕鬆中思考耶穌的救恩。在聊天中,我會問與經文有關的福音問題,也會質問他們的回答,然後引導出耶穌與我們的關係。
  • 11月7日 周五查經,我們邀請到華府中國基督教會的孫雅各牧師來分享,分享結束時,孫牧師呼召人接受耶穌,有四個人站出來。接下來11月2日一個 AU 的學生受洗,16日兩個 GU 學者受洗,30日一個 GWU 學生受洗。
  • 11月26日 起查經班聯合幾個教會,為學生安排了許多感恩節的活動。在教會聚餐,在美國人家中吃感恩大餐,在老中家聚餐,並且安排前往巴爾地摩水族館參觀。在周五的聚會我們有做見證的時間,紛紛見證這一年來從神領受到的恩典。
  • 11月起 我到 River House 宿舍找學生打球,主要是打網球,也打籃球。目前約五個學生來,如果有需要我們就去買菜。但是天氣開始寒冷了,我們開始討論要做什麼,踢足球、打紙牌、包水餃都有可能。
  • 11月22日到12月1日 我前往加州探望未信主的弟弟,也在當地的兩個教會講道。那是感恩節周,使我有理由去探望弟弟,因為弟弟近來身體欠安,不想會客。我很高興聽到他們主動表示願意跟我去教會。其實,弟弟中學時常跟著好友上教堂,是的,『那人撒種,這人收割』(太 4:37)。

* 代禱事項

  • 請為11月份受洗的學生及學者代禱,求神引導他們,是他們更認識祂,使他們信心堅定,也為主所用。
  • 請為我們禱告,讓我們能夠邀請更多學生來參加感恩節到新年期間的活動,讓他們多認識耶穌。
  • 請繼續為我禱告,讓我能夠藉著打球,與學生建立起良好的關係。

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19

P.S. 如果您希望在電郵收到我的代禱信﹐請用電郵告訴我。謝謝﹗

December 3, 2008
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Greetings from Tom. I am grateful that many sisters and brothers in the Lord continue supporting me in prayer and finance for my ministry. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Updates

  • In Friday Bible study my class is till hot. It is because some regular attendees get involved deeply, and the new students of this years are very active. However, my principle of Bible study is ponder the salvation of Jesus in a relax environment.
  • In November 7 Friday Bible study we had a special speaker Pastor James Sun from Chinese Christian Church of Greater Washington D.C. After sharing his message he invited unbelievers to accept Jesus, and there were three people walking to the front. In the following, an AU student was baptized on November 2, two GU scholars on November 16, and one GWU on November 30.
  • Bible study worked with some churches to organize many Thanksgiving activities for students which started on November 26, such as special dinner at churches, Thanksgiving dinner at American houses, Thanksgiving dinner with local Chinese, and trip to The National Aquarium in Baltimore. In the regular Friday meeting we had a testimony night. People shared the grace received in the past year.
  • Since November I started sport activities at River House apartments. Mainly we play tennis, but also basketball. Currently there are five students who join to us. Sometimes we go grocery shopping after sport. However, it turns cold, and we are discussing what to do, soccer, card games, doing dumplings, or something else.
  • On November 22 through December 1 I went to California to visit my unbelieving brother, and preached at two local churches. It was the Thanksgiving week so that I had a chance to visit him because my brother recently has physical problem and does not have visitors. It was glad to hear that they told me they will go to church with me. Actually, my brother regularly went to church with his good friend in high school days. "One sows and another reaps." (Matt. 4:37)

* Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for the students and scholars who were baptized in November so that they may know more of God, have a strong faith, and be used by God.
  • Please pray for us that we may invite more students to attend the activities which we promote for the season of Christmas and New Year, and they may know more of Jesus.
  • Please continue praying for me that I may build up good relationship with students through sports.

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ,
Tom Hsu
P.S. If you hope to receive my newsletters by e-mail, please inform me by e-mail. Thank you.

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