
Monday, May 23, 2011

2008-09-30, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2008-09-30; ; Tom's newsletter 09-30-2008


* 最近動態

  • 我在 2006 年秋季開始參與這個校園查經班,這個是由 Medical Center 華人研究員所發起的,由於各種因素形成以學者為主的查經班。
  • 去年中 (2007年夏季) 由於 James 的邀請,我參與 GWCBS (George Washington University Chinese Bible Study) 的事工。James 積極地協調,所以也包括一些來只其他學校的學生和學者,因為其他的學校我們有聯繫查經班,他們的聚會人少,而且時間與場地本身也很難配合。
  • 八月29日周五 - 九月01日周一 我們帶了10個學生參加友愛中華的第19屆退修會,地點在Summer's Best Two Weeks, Poswell, PA。場地是山上湖邊的一個營會中心,湖邊設立了水上設施。由於吃飯時打散了坐,所以很快就認識到來自其他地方的新朋友,特別是國內的同鄉。第三個晚上的夜消在餐廳吃,許多桌聊起信仰。
  • 這個月決定把我的網頁放到博客(部落格),比較好維護,因為過去使用免費網站空間,特定找了沒有廣告的空間,但是時間一久,就遭遇使用上和維護上的困難。這個博客目前還在建構中,還是很凌亂,訪客可以使用系統提供的「記事分類」,或著我整理的「總目錄」。

* 代禱事項

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19

P.S. 如果您希望在電郵收到我的代禱信﹐請用電郵告訴我。謝謝﹗

September 30, 2008
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Greetings from Tom. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Updates

  • Since Fall of 2006 I partook this Bible study. It is organized by the Chinese professionals in Medical Center. Due to many factors, currently the scholars are the main attendees.
  • Last summer (2007) James invited me, and I started to partook GWCBS (George Washington University Chinese Bible Study). James made efforts in coordination, and so some students Bible study groups of other school join to GWCBS. It was because those in contact with us have fewer students and difficulties in meeting time and place.
  • 08/29 Fri - 09/01 Mon, We brought 10 students to COM (China Outreach Ministries) 19th retreat at Summer's Best Two Weeks, Poswell, PA. The camp center locates at a lake in the mountain, and offers some fun water facilities. We were separated in meal time so that we could meet and know new friends from other places, specially from home towns. On the third night we had snack at cafeteria, many tables talked about the Christian faith.
  • This month I decided to move my webpages to blog. This is easy for me to maintain. In the past I used the free website hosting, and I found a non-ad space. However, when time passed, I felt difficult in usage and maintenance. This new blog is still under construction, and so it looks out of order. The visitors can refer to the categories feature offered by the blog system, or the general catalog made by me.

* Prayer Requests

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ, Tom Hsu
P.S. If you hope to receive my newsletters by e-mail, please inform me by e-mail. Thank you.

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