
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

GWCBS 新生手册 2008 (1/5) -- 学校

新生手册 2008 (1/5) -- 学校

GWCBS 新生手册 -- 学校

校 园 介 绍

GWU 校园位处华盛顿市区西北区,属治安最好的地区 (东南区较不安全,尽量不要去) 。

GWU 校园交通方便,可乘坐地铁 (Metro) Orange line 或 Blue line 至 Foggy Bottom / George Washington University 站下车即是。或者乘坐公共汽车 (Metro Bus) 80,32,34,36,38 等路都可到达。


交 通

乘坐地铁 (Metrorail):地铁起价 $1.35。地铁票在进站处自动售票机购买,也可以在地铁 Metro Center 站购买。地铁票分为Farecard (普通票) 和 Pass (通票)。Pass 分为 One Day Pass ($7.80),当天 9:30 AM 之后随便乘坐;7-Day Short Trip Pass ($26.40),7天有效,在 Non-Peak Time 随便乘坐, 在Peak Time (5:00-9:30 AM and 3-7 PM on weekdays) 则短程随便坐。7-Day Fast Pass ($39.00) 7天有效,随便乘坐。Smartrip卡,价格为$5,卡里最多可储值$300,乘坐Metrorail和 Metrobus都可以使用。

乘坐公共汽车 (Metrobus):公共汽车只在有人上车或下车时才停车,所以你要提前拉铃或告诉司机你要去哪里。公共汽车车费 $1.35,不找零,须自备零钱。上车后主动索要车票(Transfer Ticket), 用此票2小时之内回程及乘坐任何公共汽车免费。如由地铁转乘公共汽车,记住在进地铁时拿 Metro-Bus Transfer Ticket,凭此票转公共汽车时票价为 $0.35。若使用Smartrip卡则无须另外所要Transfer Ticket。

如果知道要前去的地址,可以使用网站 中的 Getting around > Plan your trip 功能查找乘车路线,也可以查到公共汽车的时刻表,方便安排行程。


国 际 学 生 服 务 处

International Services Office (ISO) 国际学生处 (到学校后第一件事是在此报到)
2033 K ST NW (K ST 和 21 ST交界, Entrance位于21 ST)
Suite 310
Tel.: 202-994-4477
Fax: 202-994-4488

须带文件:护照,I-20 或 IAP-66,I-94, (如转学来,须旧的I-20)
ISO 处理一般10个工作日,所以请尽早办理。

申 请 社 会 安 全 号 (Social Security Number, SSN)

What is a Social Security Number?

A Social Security Number is a unique number issued by the Social Security Administration which is required for all taxpayers in the United States. A social security number is assigned to an individual and remains that person’s number for life.

When will you need a Social Security Number?

You must have a Social Security number, if you are receiving any type of financial payment or benefits. In addiction, you will often find that banks, credit card companies, rental offices, and various government offices will request a Social Security number. Although the number may not be required by law, you will have difficulty or experience inconvenience without one.

How do you get a Social Security Number?

F-1 status holders are eligible for a Social Security number if they have been authorized for on-campus employment or academic training. J-2 status holder are eligible if they have received permission to work from the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Anyone applying for a driver’s license in the District of Columbia is required to have a Social Security number.

How do you apply for a Social Security Number?

You need to apply for a Social Security number at an office of the Social Security Administration. The nearest Social Security Administration office is located at 2100 M Street, NW (enter from 21st Street). To apply, you must submit an application, which is available at the Social Security office. You will need to show your passport, I-94, I-20 or IAP-66. You will also have to show a letter verifying employment eligibility from the International Services Office, and INS Employment Authorization Document, or a letter from the District of Columbia driver’s license office stating that a Social Security number is required.

SSN 在美国非常重要。 银行开户,申请信用卡,驾驶执照,医疗保险,租房等都要用到, 所以一定尽早申请。F-1 和 J-1 身份通常都可申请 SSN,F-2 陪读身份不可。
- 申请表 (当时领取)
- 护照
- I-94
- I-20 或 IAP-66
- ISO 介绍信 (在 ISO 报到时索要)

离 GW 最近 的 Social Security Administration 在 2100 M ST NW (沿 21 ST 向北走到 M ST,街道左边即是) 。另一个是在Rosslyn地铁站附近,出地铁站右手边, 沿街走半个街区, 一栋高楼中的二层。记住进门即取号,然后填申请表。这里人较少,通常比较快。

银 行 开 户

GWU 附近有很多银行,大部分都允许没有社会保险号码(Social Security Number)的国际学生使用护照和I-20 表开户,从国内带来的汇票可以直接存入所开的账户,大约需要一周左右转账。比较方便的银行有:
NIH Federal Credit Union
地址:2100 Pennsylvania Avenue (21 ST 向北走到Pennsylvania Avenue,左转即是)
Bank of America
地址:2001 Pennsylvania Avenue
地址:1919 Pennsylvania Avenue
地址:1700 Pennsylvania Avenue
SunTrust Bank
地址:1925 K Street
地址:1909 K Street
Chevy Chase Bank
地址:1850 K Street
United Bank
地址:1667 K Street

- 申请表 (当时领取)
- 学生证, 护照, 钱

在美国银行帐户分两种,储蓄帐户 (SAVINGS ACCOUNT, 相当国内活期存款) 和支票帐户 (CHECKING ACCOUNT,支出的支票从此帐户支取) 。储蓄帐户的存款利息较高, 因此大部分 金额宜放在 SAVINGS ACCOUNT,留小部分支出所用放在 CHECKING ACCOUNT。


申 请 学 生 证 (GWORLD CARD)

在 MARVIN CENTER,ROOM 501, GWORLD CARD PROGRAM (Tel. 202-994-1795) 凭 SSN 或 STUDENT ID NUMBER (以G开头的八位号码) 申请。学生证是进入图书馆,宿舍楼, 健身房等的重要证件,在校园周围可以作为身份证使用。也可以存放小金额的钱进去,在校园里花钱时当借记卡使用。请妥善保管。

申 请 E-MAIL 帐 号

Colonial Mail (CMail) 网上申请
Acad (UNIX) 个人网页申请
Computer labs (Novell) 计算机房帐号,在 Academic Center, Room B103申请
Prometheus (Course ware) 上课用, 网上申请


网 上 注 册

在 网页中的 GWeb Info System, 需要 Student ID No。 须尽早 注课,以免课被注满或被收LATE FEE。收到帐单后用支票付学费,可以邮寄或自己到 Marvin Center 地下一层的 Cashier 交费。


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