
Monday, May 23, 2011

2007-07-16, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2007-07-16; ; Tom's newsletter 07-16-2007

2007年07月16日 (revised)


* 聯誼活動

2006 年 12 月有兩個聖誕節的聚會﹐Georgetown University 的基督活泉團契邀請了 20 多位學生學者與他們的家屬在學校聚餐﹐餐後還有節目使彼此相識﹐也介紹耶穌的降臨。George Mason University 的徐寧教授也邀請 8 位的學生來家裡聚餐﹐介紹在美國求學﹑求職﹑生活的點滴。
2007 年 3 月基督活泉團契又邀請 13 位學生學者往 Williamsburg 古城一遊。5 月又成團到尼加拉瀑布﹐但是我因為其他事奉沒有參加。7 月初又邀請 10 位大學生聚餐並觀看福音影片。

* 最近動態與代禱事項

2007 年春季我選修了「哥林多前書解經」﹐繼續我在 Capital Bible Seminary 神學碩士的課程﹐。
2006 年 12 月至 2007 年 6 月帶領「豐收華夏基督教會」的「青少年團契」﹐因為他們原來的輔導即將離職。但是由於暑假後我有別的事奉﹐我必須在 6 月後停止在「青少年團契」的服事。請為新的團契輔導禱告。
2007 年上半年我與幾位同工試圖在 George Mason University 校園裡開始日間聚會﹐但是由於校方給的場地經常更動﹐出席的學生也要畢業﹐因此我們決定下學期改在校外聚會。
讚美神﹐2007 年上半年有兩個人在基督活泉團契接受主耶穌。
我們「真理探索者團契」有個小書房叫「永不後悔書房」﹐暑期是到各特會賣書的主要時段﹐今年夏季目前為止﹐我過去參加的特會﹐並且在那裡賣書的有﹕六月 30 日到 七月 1 日北維州台灣長老教會在 Skycroft Conference Cente, Middletown, MD 舉辦退修會﹐七月 6-8 日中華海外宣道會的佳音團契在Lutheran Brethren Conference Center, Mount Bethel, PA 舉辦聖經營﹐七月 14-15 日香堤裡聖經教會華語堂在 Messiah College, Grantham, PA 舉辦退修會。
基督活泉團契邀學生 7 月中往 Shenandoah 一遊。請為此一行程代禱。
也為我個人的籌款禱告。因為 IBS 的財務收入主要來自於教導和奉獻﹐如果您願意在財務上支持我的服事﹐您可以寄支票。謝謝!!

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19

P.S. 如果您希望在電郵收到我的代禱信﹐請用電郵告訴我。謝謝﹗

July 16, 2007 (revised)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:

Greetings from Tom. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Fellowship Activities

Dinners and trips are good ideas to get known with new friends and unbelievers. It is because there is no pressure and people cab talk without disturbing in the car and at table.
In December of 2006 there were two Christmas gatherings. Living Stream Christian Fellowship (LSCF) of Georgetown University invited 20s of students and scholars and their family to Christmas dinner on campus. After the dinner, there were the ice breaking program and the introduction of Jesus' birth. Professor Vernon Hsu of George Mason University also invited eight GMU students to have dinner at home, shared the experience of study, work and life in America.
In March of 2007 LSCF organized a trip to Williamsburg, VA. There was a trip to Niagara Falls in May which I did not participated due to my other ministry. In early July there were 10 undergraduate students invited for dinner and gospel video.

* Updates and Prayer Requests

In spring of 2007 I took "The Exegesis of The First Corinthians." to continue my study in Theology Master program in Capital Bible Seminary.
From December of 2006 to June of 2007 I led Youth Fellowship of Harvest Chinese Christian Church. It was because their old counselor was leaving his job. Later, because I will have other ministry after the summer, I have to stop the ministry in Youth Fellowship. Please pray for the new counselor of Youth Fellowship.
In the first half year of 2007 some coworkers and I tries to start a daytime meeting on the George Mason University campus. Later, the assigned places changed a lot, and the attending students will graduate, and so we decided to meet outside of campus in the next semester.
Praise the Lord! In the first half year of 2007 there were two people from Living Stream Christian Fellowship accepting Jesus Christ.
My ministry organization "Impact Bible Studies" has her own small boostore named "Never Regret Books," The summer time is the high season that we go to different conferences for book sale. This summer, I have attended some special event conferences and sold books there. They are: the retreat organized by Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church and held at Skycroft Conference Cente, Middletown, MD on 06/30-07/01/2007, the Bible camp organized by Good News Fellowship of Oversea Chinese Mission and held at Lutheran Brethren Conference Center, Mount Bethel, PA on 07/06-08/2007, and the retreat organized by Chinese Congregation of Chantilly Bible Church and held at Messiah College, Grantham, PA, 07/14-15/2007
LSCF will invite students for the trip to Shenandoah in the middle of July. Please pray for them.

Also pray for my fund raising. The financial supports of IBS mainly come from teaching and donation. If you are willing to support me financially, you may send a check. Thank you.

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ,
Tom Hsu
P.S. If you hope to receive my newsletters by e-mail, please inform me by e-mail. Thank you.

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