
Monday, May 23, 2011

2006-08-22, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2006-08-22; ; Tom's newsletter 08-22-2006


1. 我的新事奉
今年三月開始,我加入了一個福音機構「真理探索者」Impact Bible Studies (IBS) 的事奉行列。IBS 是一個服事美國大學裡的中國學生事工﹐我們的服事包括﹕經常舉辦佈道會和福音聚餐向中國學生傳福音﹐並籌辦各種查經、解經佈道和同工的訓練﹐有時透過探訪、協談幫助有需要的人﹐另外﹐也會有機會到一些地方講道並推動 IBS 的事工。目前的事奉較多集中在大西洋地區的中部。陳卿鋒牧師是我的輔導﹐他會帶領我熟悉 IBS 的事工﹐並幫助我在不同的大學校園裡服事。感謝神在祂的聖工上一直帶領我。1999 年我從賓州的 Baptist Bible Seminary 畢業﹐畢業之前﹐我在印地安那州的 Kossuth Street Baptist Church 實習一年﹐當時主要是參與在「普渡大學」的校園福音事工。畢業後,神帶領我到北卡州的「北卡聖經教會」擔任兩年半的實習傳道﹐之後,到北維州的「中國基督徒宣道會」做副牧師兩年。

2. 我的最近動態目前我們一家住在北維州的Ashburn。我的妻子楊惠雯是個鋼琴老師﹐我們有三個兒子﹕啟明、讚恩、揚敬﹐分別是七歲、六歲、五歲﹐他們上同一所公立小學。孩子是神賜給我們的寶貝﹐他們喜歡聽聖經故事﹐也喜歡我們為他們禱告。IBS 的服事原則是配合及支援當地教會的學生事工﹐所以,三月到六月期間,我拜訪了幾間在大華府地區的教會。也到過紐約向一些教會分享我的新事工。直到五、六月,我逐漸固定在北維州的「豐收華夏基督教會」和「香堤里聖經教會」聚會。我也從賓州的IBS的書房運了十六箱書籍來到北維州﹐賣書不但可以減輕IBS 的經費負擔﹐亦可以幫助當地的基督徒。七月份起,我開始帶領一個小組查經﹐這使我可以和其他會友建立更親近的關係﹐也能夠找到一起服事的同工。

3. 代禱事項我未來服事的主要對象是George Mason University 的中國學生。請您為我的服事禱告﹐叫我的服事能夠更完全被神使用﹐帶領人信靠主﹐並堅定眾人的信心。也請為我禱告﹐使我很快融入新的教會﹐找到一起服事的同工﹐很快可以在校園中開展事工。另外﹐求神讓我能得到更多機會到不同教會分享我的服事﹐並為 IBS 的書房賣書。此外﹐因為IBS 的財務收入主要來自於教導和奉獻﹐我每年需要 $15,000 的經費支助﹐如果您願意在財務上支持我的服事﹐您可以寄支票。謝謝!! 

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19


August 22, 2006
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord:Greetings from Tom Hsu. It has been a long time that I did not contact you.

1. My New Ministry
I joined to Impact Bible Studies (IBS) in March 2006. IBS is a Christian campus ministry to serve Chinese students in college campuses of America. Our major activities are: annual evangelistic conferences, monthly gospel dinners, Bible study training, Bible interpretation training, evangelism training, co-workers training, visitation, counseling, preaching, and promotion of IBS. Most of activities are held in the Mid-Atlantic area. Pastor David Chen is my supervisor and mentor, and helping me to become familiar with IBS ministries and serve in different college campuses.I thank God because He has been faithfully guiding me in His ministry. I graduated from Baptist Bible Seminary, VA in 1999. Before the graduation I had one-year internship in Kossuth Street Baptist Church, IN. The major ministry at that time was the campus ministry to Purdue University students. After graduation God led me to Chinese Bible Church of North Carolina, NC as internship minister for two and half years, and later to Chinese Christian & Missionary Church, VA as associate pastor for another two years.

2. My Updates
Currently my family lives in Ashburn, VA. My wife Priscilla Yang is a piano teacher. We have three boys Bright, Concerto and Debar. They are seven, six and five, and they go to the same public elementary school. Our children are the treasure of the Lord. They love to Bible stories and prayer.The ministry policy is to work with local churches for student ministry, and so I visited some churches in the greater DC area from March to June. I also promoted my ministry in churches in New York. In May and June I gradually settled down in "Harvest Chinese Christian Church" and "Chantilly Bible Church" in Virginia. I also moved 16 boxes of books from IBS' bookstore in Pennsylvania to Virginia. The book sales will help IBS financial burden and local Christians. Since July I started to lead a small group Bible study, and this helps me build a close relationship with others and find my co-workers for my campus ministry.

3. Payer Requests
My target is the Chinese students of George Mason University. Please pray for my ministry so that I may be fully used by God to lead people to the Lord and strengthen people in the faith. Also pray for me that it does not take a long time to fit in new churches, find coworkers for student ministry, and start the ministry on campus. Also pray for me to have more opportunities to promote my ministry in different churches, and sell books for IBS' bookstore.Furthermore, the financial supports of IBS mainly come from teaching and donation, and I need a financial support of $15,000. If you are willing to support me financially, you may send a check. Thank you.

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ
Tom Hsu

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