
Monday, May 23, 2011

2008-10-23, Tom

修昆的代禱信 2008-10-23; ; Tom's newsletter 10-23-2008


* 最近動態

  • 近來我慕道班的人數劇增。其實是這個學期的學生來查經的人多(40多)。加上我常接送學生,在加上幾次聚餐和郊遊,我們都很熟悉,所以學生就來聽我的課。我這個學期採取聊天方式,用輕鬆的態度從生活來看聖經,學生也覺得很有趣。
  • Georgetown University 中午的中文查經原本要在今年 (2008年) 九月結束,因為一些同工搬離,或著時間無法配合。中午查經原本就很時間緊迫,但是一些慕道友已經習慣這個聚會,所以10/02我們開會決定延續下去。從約翰福音查起。
  • 10月04日 查經班 (GWCBS) 的同工和 Georgetown University, George Washington University 的學者和學生去採蘋果。我們一共約 30 人,到 Larriland Farm, Woodbine, MD,採蘋果、吃午餐、玩破冰遊戲。因此,我們彼此有更深的認識。
  • 10月16日 我到紐約市聽證,因為06/22在紐約市被警察攔下來,警察認為我沒有上安全帶。聽證時,警察沒有為此事做筆記,所以法官判我無罪。三個月來我反覆禱告,求神幫助我。感謝神保守我,顯明我無罪。
  • 10月18日 友人 Dan 和 Esther 帶著兒子 Mathew 來訪。傍晚邀請學生 James 和 Yvonne 來家中聚餐,他們是一對新婚夫妻,晚上就帶他們參加小組,那一次晚上是黃一哲牧師帶領,主題是夫妻關係。他們很喜歡,就詢問有沒有其他類似的聚會。

* 代禱事項

  • 請為 GWCBS 的同工代禱。同工們忙與平時的工作、小孩,又要準備聚會。最近有兩個同工工作加緊,一個同工懷孕,兩個同工有未信的父母來訪。
  • 請為學生禱告。他們課業繁重,願神成為他們唯一的引導,。也為今年的畢業生禱告,至今還有許多人沒有找到工作。
  • 請為James 和 Yvonne 禱告,叫他們認識耶穌,跟從耶穌。
  • 請為我禱告,我計畫找學生在周末打球,一方面與學生多一些接觸,比較多的個人接觸,一方面也鍛鍊自己的健康。

「也為我祈求﹐使我得著口才﹐能以放膽﹐開口講明福音的奧秘」 -- 弗 6:19

P.S. 如果您希望在電郵收到我的代禱信﹐請用電郵告訴我。謝謝﹗

October 23, 2008
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Greetings from Tom. I am grateful that many sisters and brothers in the Lord continue supporting me in prayer and finance for my ministry. May the grace of God always comfort us and encourage us!

* Updates

  • Recently my class has more students. It is because more students (40+) come to Bible study this semester. Second, many students do not move for different classrooms after song inspiration but stay in the same place. Due to pickup, special dinners and outings, many students become familiar with me, and they follow me to my classroom when I call them. Third, I adapt the chatting style this semester. We read the Bible in view of life with a relax attitude. Some students find fun this way. However, I usually go too far, but later I become more focusing on the passages.
  • The lunch Bible study at Georgetown University was planned to stop in the end of September because some coworkers will move out, the work schedules of some people are changed, and the meeting time is short. However, some gospel seekers have been used to this gathering, and so we decided to continue, and the book of Luke will be the subject of the next session.
  • On October 4 the coworkers of BWCBS and scholars and students from Georgetown University and George Washington University went to apple pick. We have 30 people to Larriland Farm, Woodbine, MD. After apple pick, potluck lunch and ice-breaking games, we knew each other more. However, it was too late for personal testimony because we arrived late.
  • On October 16 I went for hearing in New York City because a police officer thought I did not have the seat belt on, and she stopped me. In the hearing, the police officer did not have the violation note, and so the judge decided I was not guilty. In the last three months I prayed repeatedly that God would help me. However, I was thankful that God kept me and showed I am innocent.
  • On October 18 our friends Dan and Esther with their boy Matthew visited us. In the evening the new student Jame came with his wife Yvonne for dinner. They are just married. After dinner we brought them to the small group fellowship. That night Pastor Isaac Huang led the meeting and the subject was "The Relationship of the Couple." They enjoined the meeting and asked the gathering like this.

* Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for the coworkers of GWCBS. They have their own jobs and kids and have to prepare the meeting. Among them, two have heavier work recently, one is pregnant, and two have their unbelieving parents coming to visit.
  • Pray for students. They have heavy academic work and the temptations in the greater DC area. May God be their only guide. May students know Jesus Christ. Also pray for the graduates of this year. Many of them are still looking for job.
  • Pray for me. I plan to play ball sports with students so that I have move more individual contact with students and we can do exercise.

"... Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." -- Ephesians 6:18

In Christ, Tom Hsu
P.S. If you hope to receive my newsletters by e-mail, please inform me by e-mail. Thank you.

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